Thursday, February 23, 2012
Chanty's Craving...
What in the world could be better than a cocktail set that looks like a chemistry set? I seriously don't even think you have to be a science geek like me to enjoy the ability to mix your drinks in test tubes and flasks...Well... maybe you do lol. But honestly, this product sums me up perfectly. Party time + Science = Mucho Fun! You can pick up this unique item plus soooooo much more right HERE. I definitely must have one. Happy Thursday Lovebugs!
XX- Chanty
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone...
Here in South Florida, no matter what time of year it is, it's safe to say you'll never freeze in a pair of cut-off shorts. I've never really had a concept of dressing for the seasons or fall fashions, being that we only have two and hotter! Although, it did get quite nippy the other day (and by nippy, I mean 70 degrees). So I decided to pair this colorful look with a cardigan to keep me from freezing lol. Here are a few pics...Enjoy Lovebugs!
Nollie Aztek Skirt (PacSun)
Merona (Target) Cardigan
Vintage Purse
Rope Belt (Nordstrom)
Nude (ALDO) Heels
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Art meets Science!
One of my dearest friends Venessa recently graduated from nursing school and started her new job as a Registered Nurse. While surfing the web in search of art for Venessa's new place, I stumbled upon these pieces and literally drooled all over my computer screen! Instantly I fell in love and knew I had to have one. You can purchase the science inspired artwork at Street Anatomy, "the wonderfully unique art blog featuring anatomy in pop culture!" Here are a few of my favorite pieces...Enjoy :)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Chanty's Craving...
This Dress!!!
Isn't it absolutely marvelous?!
It was brought to my attention that I've been a bad little blogger. I have not been consistently labeling the brands and where you can get the items that I've posted. Woooooops! Well, I will definitely do my best to fix that. You can purchase this dress and many other beautiful pieces like it here. It retails for $199 and I don't know about you but it was love at first sight for me! Until we meet again. *Tips imaginary hat* :)XX-Chanty
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
To Curl or Not to Curl... That is the question.
Summer is quickly approaching and I soooooooooo miss wearing my hair curly. I did for about two years straight just because it was super low maintenance and everyone knows how much I HATE doing my hair. Oh the dilemma!!! But you be the judge...
PS- Please excuse the tacky club outfits lol (OLD pics)

PS- Please excuse the tacky club outfits lol (OLD pics)
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Little Black Dress
I decided at the last minute to wear this dress out to dinner for a friend’s birthday. Can you believe I found this baby for just $7.99! It was so comfy and because of the loose fitting top, I could eat as much as I wanted without worrying about my stomach protruding. Can you say "winning!" The necklace was a vintage piece that I also found at the local thrift and fell in love with it. Not bad for $4 either. Happy Sunday Dolls!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Less Is More...
So I wore this dress to an event with my Mom the other night and I must say I loved it! There's nothing like a tight black dress. BUT... I admit this one might have been a little overly tight :( The cups were definitely too small and showed waaaaaaaaaay too much cleavage but I was far too in love with it at the time of purchase to notice. Nevertheless, I got a couple cute pics and many compliments, so Enjoy!!! 
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Jamaica Land We ♥
Quick Little Post of my Inaguration Day outfit in Jamaica. I actually got the skirt for $3! (Shhhhh don't tell anyone :) Have a wonderful Day!!!
Anyone who knows me knows there is NOTHING I love more than surprises. And for NewYears that is exactly what I got! ( I know we're in February but better late than never lol) With less than 24 hours notice myself and my best friend got surpirsed with a trip to Jamaica for the Inaguration of Prime Minister Portia Simpson! We stayed for a week and with a few hours notice managed to put together several cute outfits. Here are a few pics...Enjoy! :)
The view from the our room!
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